Thursday, 19 June 2008

Something in German

Thank's Feedjit I know there are some visitors from Germany.

Although I don't know if they understand german, I want to share with you an excerpt from my first book:

Du willst also ein Buch schreiben, aha....“

Ich hatte mich mit meiner Freundin Johanna nach der Arbeit verabredet und uns einen Tisch in der Kaminlounge meines Münchner Lieblingshotels reserviert. Versunken in einer mit edlem Stoff bezogenen Couch neben dem still knisternden Kaminfeuer ließen wir den Tag ausklingen. Die Atmosphäre war angenehm und nicht wie man vielleicht bei einem Hotel der Luxusklasse vermuten würde, total versnobt. Ich hatte ihr schon in meinem Email angedeutet, daß ich entschlossen war, die nächste Bestseller Autorin zu werden und wollte ihre Reaktion bei einem Kännchen Tee testen.

Meine Freundin Johanna sah mich gespannt an.

„Und wovon soll es handeln?“

„Nun“, ich begann nach einer halbwegs plausiblen Antwort zu suchen, „ erst habe ich gedacht ich könnte so einen Coaching Ratgeber schreiben, du weißt schon, diese Art von Büchern, welche ich zuhauf bei mir zuhause stehen habe“.

Johannas Stirn runzelte sich etwas.

„Aber dann fiel mir auf, daß ich in punkto coaching gar nicht viel zu erzählen habe, es sei denn, ich schreibe das gleiche, was schon in Hunderten von Büchern abgedruckt wurde“. Ich fühlte einen leichten Stich in der Magengegend, als ich daran dachte, daß meine Bemühungen eine Karriere als Coach einzuschlagen eher suboptimal verliefen.

„Apropos coaching“, begann Johanna, als ob sie meine Gedanken erraten hatte, „wie läuft es denn eigentlich damit?“

„Es läuft so gut, daß ich beschlossen habe, es sausen zu lassen“ erwiderte ich.
„Zumindest werde ich ab sofort kein Geld und auch keine Freizeit mehr dafür opfern. Sollte tatsächlich jemand über meine Website stolpern und mich als Coach engagieren, fein. Aber wenn nicht, dann eben nicht“. Zumindest in dieser Sache hatte ich eine klare Vorstellung.

„Aber wovon soll dein Buch denn sonst handeln, ich dachte immer du hast als Coach wirklich was drauf und kannst Menschen helfen?“ Johanna wirkte nun etwas verwirrt.

„Jaaa, schon“ druckste ich herum, „aber was nützt das, wenn sich die Menschen von mit nicht helfen lassen wollen. Nein wirklich, irgendwie habe ich auch die Begeisterung dafür verloren. Ich möchte endlich wieder etwas machen, woran ich auch Spaß habe. Ein Buch schreiben, daran hätte ich jetzt Spaß!“......

Your comments are welcome!


Monday, 16 June 2008

Writing a new script

Today I received a newsletter from a fellow coach Donna Higton.

She wrote about her way of getting clients and that it is very different regarding her two businesses. That made me think about my way of getting work.

Maybe it is time to write a new script for my life? Maybe I should try her "Woo-woo way." You don't know what that means? Well, you can find out here:

Beach Biz - A 'Woo-woo' Way of Getting Clients


Friday, 6 June 2008

Successful Week

I had a successful week!

Three Job Interviews and two offers for Job Interviews but I wasn't interested in the company.

I'm in the flow now, everything looks positive and I'm looking forward to a long and sunny weekend in the garden.

Have a nice weekend everybody!


Wednesday, 4 June 2008

If I only get paid....

....for what I do at the moment!

Yes, I have to admit I really like to go to job interviews and send out applications every day. If I could make a job out of it I would.

Even my appointment with the Job Agency on Monday went very well. They offered me to place an ad this Wednesday and coming Saturday in our largest local Newspaper and they pay for it!

How great is that!

I already have appointments for today and tomorrow, that leaves open Thursday and Friday, but I'm working on it.


Saturday, 31 May 2008

Law of Attraction versus Reality

I guess almost everbody has heard about the Law of Attraction, Universe or the Secret. My experiences with the Law of Attraction are, that it works for me - but not always.

Especially not, when I send out a wish and I want it very badly. This happens for example when I want a new job or money. When I make a wish for money, lets say for a vacation, the Universe sends me application forms for Credit Cards or Loans, but not the money into my bank account.

Another example is my wish regarding the Job Interview last Wednesday. The day before I wrote in my Journal: Dear Universe I wish that the Job Interview goes well and I have the new position. Thank you.

Okay, the Interview went well, they wanted to make the decision by the end of the week. So the week is over, neither I have heard nothing from them, nor the Temping Agency.

And now my doubts are creeping in, that they already hired someone else, and so on. Although there could be many reasons why I haven't heard from them until now. I wish I could simply forget about it, trust that it will arrive and move on, like I do when I make a wish for something not so important.

If there is anybody out there, who can help me with that, let me know!


Tuesday, 20 May 2008

My inner Gremlin

Yesterday was a very successful day for me. One Job Interview and even two companies called to offer me a job.

I was excited and happy when I came home. But when the sun went down, my mood did the same and suddenly a little voice in my head told me “don’t be too optimistic, after all you don’t have a job right now!” Yes, thank’s for sharing.

I don’t know what it is, up one moment, down the next - maybe hormone changes? I try to shut up my inner Gremlin but he is persistent. Right now he is sitting on my shoulder while I write this, reminding me that I can only do this because I have no job and enough time during the day.

Maybe I should give him a name.

Do you have an inner Gremlin too? Do you talk to him?



Monday, 19 May 2008

Good things are happening

It is incredible!

The whole time when I was a wage slave I was always looking for another/better job. Of course there were phone calls from Temping Agencies, but they came slowly.

Now that I really have to find a new job, the phone is ringing off the hook. Between 9 am and
11 am I have sent out four applications and was called back immediately.

The result: One job interview this afternoon and two tomorrow! Not bad for a few hours work!

The Universe has noticed I'm free for a new adventure.


Saturday, 17 May 2008

That makes my day!

It is Saturday and I'm up early. Ok, I haven't showered yet, have my third cup of coffee while I'm sitting here in my Pajama and writing about the exciting week I had.

Since the week started a little unpleasent, it got better by the day. On Thursday I had a job interview at a Temping Agency which has several interesting assignments to offer.

I had scheduled another interview for Friday morning and while I was about to leave house, my cellphone rang and the Temping Agency I have visited the day before asked me to come by and sign a contract. I was so suprised and also in a hurry that I agreed, only to find out that the other Temping Agency has interesting offers too. Wow!

Okay, I called Agency 1 back and asked for a short time to think it over - you never know what happens next week. For me it can only get better and better.

Oh, and this morning I found a lovely email from Venus Andrecht in my mailbox!

That really makes my day!


Wednesday, 14 May 2008

My first day in freedom

Today is my first day as an unemployed person or what I like to call it my first day in freedom.

Freedom, because I'm not chained to a desk in the office and shuffling papers to support myself. Okay, I haven't slept so well and I woke up quite early, but I'm not used to my current situation now.

So what I did early in the morning was, I took a walk and enjoyed the beautyful weather in the nearby park. I sat on a bench and read a few pages in a self-help book and felt really calm and relaxed and I thought how great my life is and I have to be grateful for everything I have. Employed or not.

But enjoying my new freedom cannot last too long, so back at home I looked at my list of contacts and sent an email, called a company and searched the internet for a new job. I really wish to have a new interesting job until my birthday this month. Although I'm convinced that money will always find a way to come to me, I'm sure it doesn't come without any doing from my side.

And I listened to a recorded show of Venus Andrecht at hayhouseradio, I really like her and I can really recommend her, especially if you're looking for a psychic reading.

For everybody who is in the same situation like me, keep up the good spirit, stay positive and good things will happen to you.


Tuesday, 13 May 2008

It's better to make a painful break than draw out the agony

So, finally my first week in the new job is over - thank God!

I was bored to death, angry about myself, because I was frustrated and had not very much to do. What happened over the weekend was, instead of completely enjoying the beautyful weather in my Dad's garden, I was unable to relax and did not sleep well.

I have to admit, although I know that it is useless to dwell on a problem and to try to analyse what caused it, I do it over and over again. The result: I'm even more frustrated.

So, talking about analysing the situation - what went wrong that has lead to my current job- problem?

The job interview went well, I had a good feeling about working in this company and I liked the colleagues. Yes, they mentioned they have a lot of mothers to be, company cars, pension plans and direct insurances to handle. But I couldn't imagine that this would be the main part of my work.

Have I made the decision to work there too fast? Well, I had not much time to think it over. The day after my job interview the Temping Agency called and asked if I wanted to work there. They had to know very soon because there were another applicant. I had to decide immediately and I did. I gave in my notice and signed the new contract all in a few hours.

And so it happened, that I made what seems the wrong decision. All I can do now is to end this dilemma and so I called the Temping Agency this morning and resigned from the job.

What have I learned from that? You never know what's really going on in a company until you work there. And there are no right or wrong decision, there are only decision you have to make based on the information you have at this time.

And now it is time again for a new beginning!


Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Bad Karma

I started a new job last Friday - with high hopes I should mention, only to find out it looks like the same boring job I left.

Yes, I'm still working as a Temp, but this time for a different company and for more money. But my new assignment has almost everything I don't like to do as an Admin in Human Resources. There are a lot of mothers to be, company cars and I suppose my "favourite" Excelsheets for almost every analysis in this department to prepare. And I spent the last three days alone with filing and binning, my new colleague was on vacation.

Thank God, my new employer seems to understand my problem and we agreed to wait another week, if the job gets better. 5 Clients are waiting for an Admin, so my chances for a new assignment are good.

I wonder, if it is bad Karma - if such a thing exists. I have worked in the same area where my new assignment is located three times before in the last 19 years and whatever company, or job it was, it never worked out.

Bad Karma - or simply bad luck?


Monday, 28 April 2008

Book recommendation

In search of inspiration for my own book I came across this funny little paperback book a few weeks ago Julie & Julia - my year of cooking dangerously.

This is a non-fiction book written by Julie Powell, who worked as a temp in a boring job (this could be me) and found herself weeping regularly on the way home from work (not quite me).

Until one day she started the project to cook every one of the 524 recipes in one year described in Julia Child's cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking. She wrote about that adventure on her blog, which soon caught the attention not only of other bloggers, but also of the media.

A year and 524 recipes later she has quit her job and now writes in her pyjamas in her Long Island City apartment.

Well, after reading this book I can clearly say that there is hope for my writing project too.


Sunday, 27 April 2008

Enjoy procrastination

It's been a while since I wrote something here. The reason? Well, I had nothing really important to write.

I don't want to bore others with stories about my job or what I had for breakfast. I also wanted to write on my book and didn't. I started out quite well and enthusiastic but now I'm not sure if I'm on the right path, if what I write is really worth the effort.

Maybe I should stop thinking to much about the outcome and continue to write anyway to get in the process of writing.

And now, while half of my two-weeks holiday is over I enjoy doing nothing and beeing lazy for a while.

Maybe procrastination is not that bad at all.


Sunday, 24 February 2008

Running smoothly

Just in case some of you have missed me since my last post, my life was busy over the last few weeks.

I have talked about my idea of writing a book with two friends of mine and their reactions were positive. The same happened when I told them, that I gave up on my goal to work as a coach full time. And although talking about giving up on something that was a long time very important for me did hurt a little at the beginning, now the bad feeling has gone.

My life hasn't changed dramatically, I still have the same job, but I'm no longer bothered by that. Yes, it seems I have more time to relax - something I missed for so long.

My life is running smoothly now.

All of a sudden, my financial problems are going to be solved in the next two weeks, job offers appear what seems out of the blue and even a job interview is scheduled for next week. And all this happens without much effort.

Obviously, I have now what I wanted for so long. When I started to accept my life the way it is in this moment and not the way I wanted it to be, it became easier - no made up problems anymore.

Monday, 28 January 2008

A much needed insight

One of my strength is that when I decide to do something I don't easily give up. But this is also my biggest problem. I'm so focused on the things I want to achieve, that on my way to reach my goal I miss the point where it should be better to stop and ask myself "do I still want this?"

This is what happened when I decided to become a coach. Sometimes between studying and setting up a practice I lost my passion for this goal. I did what I thought I have to do e.g. training, building the website and so on, but no matter what I tried nothing really worked out like expected. "But it has to!" you would hear me say, I tried to force the flow.

Because other people knew about my plans and asked me "how is the coaching going?" how could I tell them, that I'm no longer really interested to have my own coaching business. What would they think?

I ignored the signs that showed up the last year over and over again. I've spent most of my days exhausted, sick and genuinely unhappy.

So, how come that I realised now what I tried to ignore in the past? Well, I had a coaching session myself a few days ago and one part of my homework was, to imagine how my life would look like in 5 years from now. The other part was to think about ways to get a client by the end of the month. It suddenly dawned on me that I have absolutely no interest to do the same things I did so far to get the business off the ground. The mere thought about how much I struggled in the past makes me stay under the duvet.

Therefore it is no longer necessary to think about ways to attract clients. My goal no longer excites me and I don't care what other people think. If there are clients in the future I'm happy to coach them, if not, so what.

I appreciate what I have learned so far, I always wanted to have my own website, as well as a blog and I wanted to write articles. But it is time to let go of what no longer works for me and make room for something new.

What I really want is being happy and healthy. I like to travel and have a long vacation. Oh yes, and thought of writing a bookd makes me really go "Wow!"

I want to spend enough time with my Dad, enjoy the weekends without feeling guilty that I haven't worked enough on my goal. I want to meet up with friends after work, go clothes shopping and not asking myself afterwards, if I had better spent the money for my coaching business.

I just want to have fun with what I'm doing and whenever a goal no longer excites me, I won't pursue it any longer.



Saturday, 12 January 2008

Happy New Year to you all!

I'm back from my much needed vacation.

I've spent two weeks with my Dad, away from the bustling city of Munich. My days were filled with sleeping, eating, drinking, reading, spoiling the cats.... and sometimes I took a walk outside. It was the first time in years, that I didn't miss my life back home in Munich.

That made me think how I would love to spend the rest of my life? Definitely I want to enjoy life more and take more time off to relax. Because I feel I need more time to rest.

And since I saw a picture of the Maldives I dream about spending my next vacation there! For me, this is an adventure, because I always chose big cities near a beach but also near a shopping mall to prevent I'm getting bored.

Now I imagine lying on the white sandy beach, listening to the soft sound of the waves, a cocktail in hand. My beach bungalow is only a few steps away with an open shower and a jacuzzi on the terrace, where I relax after writing a few pages of my bestseller. Food and drinks are delicious and all-inclusive and from time to time I take a plunge in the ocean, where a colourful underwater world awaits me. Ahh.... bliss!

Of course, there are other plans for 2008 too, but this one is more exciting than anything else! And nobody says I can't work and have fun too.

So if you make plans for 2008, make having fun and enjoying life your number one!
