On my way to work this morning I thought about the fact, that my day job is still the same for 6 month now. Today exactly 6 month!
Well, this could be a reason to be frustrated, or even depressed, but I decided it could also be a reason to celebrate. The same day 6 month ago I started my job at this company and I have successfully resisted the urge to quit. Enough to be proud of, because I was tempted to no longer show up there many times in the past.
But the good things about this day job are the short way to commute, the flexible working hours and more important it brings in the money while I follow my new career.
So, I raise a glass of Champagne to my success!
I understand-I too have been at the day job, not for 6 months, but 2 years. I just turned 50 last Sunday.
It is a very short commute, I feel as if I make a difference for my customers and co-workers and it helps pay the bills.
So until someone agrees to pay me for my writing-I do it and smile, I'm happy
it's only a week later and I regret my decision. I got the news that I will get less money from now on and that was really unexpected.
Okay, I can always quit.
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