Tuesday, 3 July 2007

To do or not to do

Do you have a so called "to-do list"? I had, in fact I had more than one. More often I haven´t had enough time to do all the tasks on those lists, but I always found the time to beat myself up for not doing them.

This is wrong.

I simply wasn´t the person who wrote the list anymore and the list writing and reviewing was actually holding me back to do things.

Instead of writing these lists I make a master plan. I focus on a project that really gets me excited. For example renovating my new home or the press release for my business. I write in my appointment book: go to IKEA on Friday, look for wallpapers on Saturday. And for the press release I write down: search the Internet for free press release services on Wednesday and so on.

Then I cross off the items to keep momentum going.

Now, how long will you hang on to your to-do list?


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