Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Reasons to celebrate

On my way to work this morning I thought about the fact, that my day job is still the same for 6 month now. Today exactly 6 month!

Well, this could be a reason to be frustrated, or even depressed, but I decided it could also be a reason to celebrate. The same day 6 month ago I started my job at this company and I have successfully resisted the urge to quit. Enough to be proud of, because I was tempted to no longer show up there many times in the past.

But the good things about this day job are the short way to commute, the flexible working hours and more important it brings in the money while I follow my new career.

So, I raise a glass of Champagne to my success!


Sunday, 18 November 2007

Are you sure, you are on the right path?

For a few weeks now, I'm more confused than ever. I think about my coaching business, that I'm still struggling to get it off the ground. I also think about my day job, when will this assignment finally end?

I wonder if I'm following the wrong path. What if coaching other people was never meant to be for me? Why am I stumbling from one bad assignment to another?

Now the fog around these problems lifted a bit. I will keep up the website for my coaching business, but I will try out more other things, like writing articles. And I will follow more my intuition, when it comes to making decisions.

I remember when I went to the Temping Agency to sign the contract. I had a terrible feeling in my gut, everything screamed this is wrong. But stupid me wouldn't listen, I wanted a new job, no matter what. And now I have to pay the price, I'm feeling miserable.

But the main problem was, I left the decisions to other people. In my case that is always wrong. I have to be in charge whether it is in business or regarding the day job.

Now I have finally decided I will stay at this assignment until Christmas, than I have two weeks off and I'm not going back. I know I find something else to support myself, maybe the Temping Agency finds something too.

I hope I remember next time, that I'm the only one who can make the decisions about my life.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Is your net working?

I wonder how many people have a so-called network of business contacts they can turn to. Networking groups on the Internet, or business clubs whose members attend regular meetings should bring them new contacts and of course, work.

I belong to a business club a few months now, but the mere thought of walking in a room full of strangers makes me cringe. I have attended the club meetings two times in the past and although there were great guest speakers and delicious food, there was no time to really talk to others and I was forced to move on and talk to the next available person.

My ears were ringing because of the noise from too many people talking at the same time and I left with a bunch of business cards in my purse and had no idea who these people were.

Obviously the speed of speed networking is not working for me.

After these meetings I asked myself, if the main purpose of business clubs is only to make money through membership fees and not helping their members to make money.

What happened to the good old chat with people on the way to work, at the train station or in the grocery store? Are our lives so busy that we don’t have time for a few words that can lead to a great friendship and instead spend precious time and money at speed networking or speed dating that leads to nothing?

My 82-year old Dad is great in networking, no matter where we are, he always knows somebody. He even flirts with women in the bakery who are much younger than I am and they love to treat him to free piece of cake or a cup of coffee.

Another good example of a successful net-worker is his friend. He is self-employed, sells decorating items on trade fairs and without a website or email account, he has a flourishing business. His secret? He is open and friendly and always finds time for a little chat, no matter how busy he might be. If I would suggest to him that he should join a business club, he would think I’m out of my mind.

What both have in common is, they network all the time. Not in scheduled meetings, not with the intention to make business or to schmooze their way to a free meal. I guess we can learn from them, you never know who knows whom.